Banking Sign In

Under the Federal Community Reinvestment Act (“CRA”), the Federal Reserve Board (“Board”) evaluates our record of helping to meet the credit needs of this community consistent with safe and sound operations. The Board also considers this record when deciding on certain applications submitted by us.

Your involvement is encouraged.

You are entitled to certain information about our operations and our performance under the CRA, including, for example, information about our branches, such as their location and services provided at them; the public section of our most recent CRA performance evaluation, prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City; and comments received from the public relating to our performance in helping to meet community credit needs, as well as our responses to those comments. You may review this information today.

At least 30 days before the beginning of each quarter, the Federal Reserve System publishes a list of the banks that are scheduled for CRA examination by the Reserve Bank in that quarter. This list is available from the Assistant Vice President – Consumer Affairs, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1 Memorial Drive, Kansas City, Missouri 64198. You may send written comments about our performance in helping to meet community credit needs to Anthony J. Jones, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, President, 301 Colorado Avenue, La Junta, Colorado 81050, and the Assistant Vice President — Consumer Affairs, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1 Memorial Drive, Kansas City, Missouri 64198. The Federal Reserve System will consider your letter and any response by us in evaluating our CRA performance, and may be made public.

You may ask to look at any comments received by the Reserve Bank. You may also request from the Reserve Bank an announcement of our applications covered by the CRA filed with the Reserve Bank. We are an affiliate of Grinnell Bancshares, Inc., a bank holding company. You may request from the Assistant Vice President – Applications, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1 Memorial Drive, Kansas City, Missouri 64198, an announcement of applications covered by the CRA filed by bank holding companies

Learn more about Colorado Bank and Trust’s history here.


Physical Address:
301 Colorado Ave
La Junta, CO 81050

Lobby Hours:
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. M – F

Mailing Address:
PO Box 499
La Junta, CO 81050

Drive-Thru Hours:
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. M – F

Physical/Mailing Address:
23051 E US Highway 50
Pueblo, CO 81006

Lobby Hours:
8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. M – F

Drive-Thru Hours:
7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. M -F

Learn more about our Business products & services here.
Learn more about our Personal products & services here.

We have not received any CRA-related comments from the public. In the event any comments are received, they will be available here for public view.

  • 2024:
    • 3/31/2024 – No written comments were submitted
    • 6/30/2024 – No written comments were submitted
    • 9/30/2024 – No written comments were submitted
    • 12/30/2024 – No written comments were submitted
  • 2023 – No written comments were submitted
  • 2022 – No written comments were submitted

To see our CRA public disclosure, click here.

The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available online for review. The data show the geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age, and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials.The Bank’s HMDA Disclosure Statement may be obtained on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB’s) website at:

HMDA data for many other financial institutions are also available at this website.

In addition, you may inquire at this office regarding the locations where HMDA data may be inspected.

To request a copy of these data, send a written request to:


Colorado Bank & Trust Company

ATTN: Loan Department

PO Box 499

La Junta, CO  81050

Year First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Year
1998 56.05% 57.23% 58.44% 52.63% 56.09%
1999 50.63% 50.47% 48.89% 47.88% 49.47%
2000 50.15% 50.92% 53.70% 50.84% 51.40%
2001 51.44% 51.13% 49.50% 48.47% 50.13%
2002 46.51% 47.12% 51.68% 59.17% 51.12%
2003 60.82% 65.70% 69.22% 64.77% 63.26%
2004 60.91% 58.04% 62.37% 62.98% 60.44%
2005 65.00% 66.59% 67.47% 60.11% 64.79%
2006 61.08% 59.31% 59.65% 56.99% 59.26%
2007 56.55% 55.31% 57.89% 53.83% 55.90%
2008 54.25% 52.84% 52.17% 52.45% 52.93%
2009 50.47% 51.47% 52.65% 53.35% 51.99%
2010 50.42% 49.82% 51.19% 50.52% 50.49%
2011 49.04% 48.63% 50.82% 51.60% 50.02%
2012 53.16% 53.63% 53.34% 51.83% 52.99%
2013 54.74% 54.41% 54.76% 57.60% 55.38%
2014 58.46% 60.38% 59.97% 60.77% 59.90%
2015 62.09% 63.22% 61.89% 64.54% 62.94%
2016 63.96% 66.66% 63.62% 65.81% 65.01%
2017 66.78% 66.28% 65.86% 68.38% 66.82%
2018 58.47% 60.38% 59.97% 60.76% 59.90%
2019 78.12% 79.88% 81.60% 80.25% 79.96%
2020 63.96% 65.60% 64.14% 65.48% 64.80%
2021 66.78% 66.28% 65.86% 68.38% 66.83%
2022 70.50% 68.56% 70.09% 74.05% 70.80%
2023 78.12% 79.88% 81.60% 80.25% 70.80%
2024 82.28% 78.95% 82.53% 83.74% 81.88%

You’re not just an account number to us. When you stop in, we’ll know your name and learn your individual preferences to connect you with accounts and wealth management options that make sense for you. We know some people prefer to take care of everything digitally, so we built every available feature in our mobile banking app. A real person will pick up the phone if you have questions about digital banking. Mixing new technology with old-fashioned customer service has earned us excellent reviews, and more importantly, it’s made banking easy for our customers.