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A new financial institution was launched in La Junta June 24, 1907, when a group of La Junta businessmen decided to start a new Bank to be known as the Southern Colorado Trust Company. The Bank had a capital stock of $75,000 divided in 750 shares at $100.00 each. The officers of the new trust company were Fred A. Sabin, President; Eugene Rourke, first vice president; R. J. Parker, second vice president; Charles A. Beerbohm, cashier; W.A. Hart, assistant cashier. In addition to the officers, the Board of Directors included Frank Finney and J.N. Beaty.

After several vain attempts, the new trust company finally selected a name that did not conflict with the title of other corporations engaged in the same line of business and selected Colorado Savings and Trust Company as the name of the Bank. On February 17, 1961, the name changed to The Colorado Bank and Trust Company of La Junta. The Bank first engaged in general savings and commercial Banking, abstracting, real estate and insurance business from the office of Bukey and Hart at 202 Santa Fe Avenue. The Bank negotiated with T. T. Woodruff for a twenty-five foot lot on Santa Fe, but by October 1907 decided to buy the 50 x 60 lot on the corner of Third and Colorado for $5,500 from Mr. Woodruff. It was not until April 1908 the excavation for the new building began but by October of that year, a lovely two-story building was completed. The Bank occupied the north side and the south was the abstract company. Office space on the second floor rented for $10.00.

Since its founding, the Bank has had nine presidents. Fred Sabin served from 1907 to 1914 and was a well-known La Junta attorney. The prominent rancher, Eugene Rourke, was president for four years, 1914-1918. J. L. Gilliland, a Bank officer, succeeded Mr. Rourke and was president during the 1921 recession and the prosperity of the twenties. From 1927 to 1944, W. S. Morrison was president and followed by E. G. Woodbridge, cashier, who remained president from 1944 to 1955 when he resigned to become Chairman of the Board. J. H. Macdonald took over the reins in 1955 and remained until his death in 1968. R. H. Jones was president from 1968 until January 1991 when he became Chairman of the Board. R. M. (Mac) Jones took over for his father as president of the Bank in 1991 and served as Chairman of the Board after his father’s passing in 2001. Mac lost a courageous battle with ALS in 2017, and his son Brad Jones was appointed President and Chairman of the Board in November 2017.

The Bank opened its first branch in Pueblo, Colorado, on January 19, 2006. The new branch was built on the “Mesa” in eastern Pueblo. It opened with seven full-time employees, two part-time, with Bank President Mac Jones commuting from La Junta nearly every day. Customers have appreciated having a bank in the area and made it a great success. We have enjoyed getting to know and participate in the community, proving our mission of “Hometown Banking at its Finest!”


We would like to thank everyone who helped and donated to our 2023 Blessing Bag Fundraiser!  We assembled 101 Blessing Bags, collected $1,580 in donations and helped resupply six area churches with items for individuals and families in need.